Search Result (3)

U.S. Marine Corps investigation into death of Awayed Wanas Jabar. Jabar was taken in to custody on April 17, 2004. He sustained a head injury in an escape attempt. A doctor examined him and said he was “OK”. A guard witnessed Jabar take his ...
May 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File
James N. Mattis
Walid Tawfiq Jabar
Stress positions, Other

This NCIS memo summarizes six (6) separate investigations and one preliminary inquiry regarding the death or alleged mistreatment of enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs). Portions of the report are redacted in full, but the portions that are ...

Nov. 23, 2004
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (NCIS)
Farhad Mohamed, Manadel Al-Jamadi, Hemdan Haby Heshfan El Gashame, Naeem Sadun Hatab
Physical assault, Face slap or insult slap, General, Other
Refers to AR 15-6 investigation's conclusion that the JDOG personnel investigated did not mistreat a person and that allegations were unsupported by evidence. The interrogation was of a high valued detainee at Camp Delta Guantanamo on March 23, ...
July 22, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Jay W. Hood
Physical assault, General, Other