Search Result (135)

Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he engaged in hostilities against the United States by attacking the Shkin firebase. Detainee claimed that he had been tricked ...

Nov. 30, 2005
Abdul Nasir

Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported Al Qaida forces against the coalition. Detainee is a Syrian national who trained in Afghanistan for military combat ...

An investigation finding probable cause to believe that two U.S. soldiers committed the offense of assault when they punched and kicked a local detainee whom they picked up at a roadblock and transported to an Iraqi prison. A sergeant took ...

Jan. 31, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Jacqueline J. Scott, Thom Jones
Physical assault, General, Other

Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he was part of or supported Al Qaida against coalition forces. Detainee is a Syrian national who traveled to Afghanistan in 1999 ...

Nov. 30, 2005
Abd al Nasir Mohammed Abd al Qadir Khantumani

Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he fought against coalition forces with the Taliban or Al Qaida. Tribunal also found that the detainee supported Al Qaida training ...

Nov. 30, 2005
Moazzam Begg
Detainees brought Fawaz Badaa Najem's body to gate at Abu Ghraib during the night after hearing him gasping. He had been otherwise well and had no medical history. The investigation established probable cause to believe that detainee Najem died ...
Mar. 02, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Fawaz Badaa Najem

NCIS report on the results of investigative efforts regarding allegations of abuse made by two detainees, Ali and Hassan, in Iraq. In one case, a detainee captured on February 8, 2004, alleged he was assaulted while being held at "al ...

Nov. 29, 2005
Investigative File (NCIS)
Physical assault, General, Other

Criminal Investigation Command (CID) report pertaining to the abuse of a detainee at an unknown location. The detainee alleged that he was forced to walk on hot pavement, punched and kicked all over his body, had his ribcage fractured, and was ...

Sept. 20, 2005
Investigative File (CID)
Ricardo Sanchez, Pamela Andrews
Physical assault, General, Stress positions, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Other
CID investigation into the death of a detainee, Manadel Al-Jamadi. Mr. Al-Jamadi was captured on Nov. 4, 2003 by members of U.S. Navy Seal Team Seven (ST-7), who located Mr. Al-Jamadi at his residence south of Baghdad, Iraq. Mr. Al-Jamadi ...
Oct. 01, 2008
Investigative File (CID)
Manadel Al-Jamadi
Physical assault, Stomach/abdominal slap, Other

Tribunal determined that the detainee in question has been accurately classified as an enemy combatant and that he supported the Taliban or Al Qaida and that he traveled to Afghanistan with the purpose of training at an Al Qaida camp. ...

Nov. 30, 2005
Nawaf Fahad al Otaibi