Search Result (83)

Email refers to a Human Rights Watch report on abuse by U.S. forces at detention facilities in Afghanistan. The report alleges that U.S. forces operating in Afghanistan have arbitrarily detained civilians, used excessive force and mistreated ...
Email refers to a news article, which discusses the U.S. Military's CID investigation into allegations of murder and torture of an 18-year-old Afghan Army recruit who was detained by the U.S. The article also discusses the torture of seven Afghan ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Todd F. Buchwald
Joshua L. Dorosin | Ed Cummings
Todd F. Buchwald, Frank E. Schmelzer , Joshua L. Dorosin, Edward R. Cummings
Email discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Mr. Solomon states that the Ambassador would like to respond to the speech. The Ambassador is particularly ...
Email is in response to a previous message from Steven Solomon, which discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The reply is redacted.
Email from Todd F. Buchwald, the opening of the email is completely redacted, but included is a press release entitled "Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy on pending nomination of William Haynes." In the press release, Senator Kennedy ...
Emails discuss the Department of Defenses' recent release of documents, the documents apparently explained the types of interrogation techniques the U.S. employed in Guantanamo. However, the documents are being criticized as insufficient. The ...