Search Result (9)

Emails discuss a statement by Colin L. Powell regarding Uyghur detainees. Mr. Powell apparently stated in an article (link provided) that the Uyghur detainees would not be sent back to China.
Email from Andrew Sagor to Todd F. Buchwald, Joshua L. Dorosin, Robin H. Sakoda and Cara L. Abercrombie re: Clearance/comments needed on red response letter, with an attachment not included. Mr. Sagor's comments are "S/WC1 has been tasked to ...
Email from Joshua Dorosin to Joshua Lipshutz re: Clearance/comments needed on red border response letter. With the comment "Josh - Can you clear this for UPM? Please call JoAnn at home to review with her and then send any comments directly back ...
Email from JoAnn Dolan to Ed Cummings and Joshua Dorosin forwarding an email from Carol Santos with two attachments and a request for editing/adding to attached documents on Afghan detainee issues for Sec. of State Powell's meeting with ...
Email from JoAnn Dolan to Edward R. Cummings, Joshua L. Dorosin and Todd F. Buchwald re: International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) Sees No Humanitarian Crisis. This email forwards a cable describing International Committee for the Red ...
DOS Memo from William H. Taft to Secretary of State Powell re: Photographing POWs and the Geneva Conventions. Summary redacted. Discussion explores the US position on photographing and/or releasing photographs of POWs.
Emails between Eric Pelofsky, Joshua L. Dorosin", JoAnn Dolan and Catherine Brown on a paper the Sec. of State concerning the Guantanamo detainees. The comments are "One minor suggestion" for attached "Secy's Appropriations Testimony." and ...
Email thanking JoAnn J. Dolan for help getting clearance on a press guidance for an Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Human Dimension Meeting. The Press Guidance is attached. It discusses the U.S. government's and ...
Emails between David Bowker, Monica Tillery, Joshua Dorosin, JoAnn Dolan and Others re: PM/IM/S - Visit to Guantanamo Bay 2/15. Attachment not included