Search Result (7)

State Department email forwarded by JoAnn Dolan from Robert Harris concerning Human Rights Watch report critical of U.S. Action in Afghanistan. Mr. Harris' email has the comment "Human Rights Watch in the past few days issued a highly critical ...
Email refers to a Human Rights Watch report on abuse by U.S. forces at detention facilities in Afghanistan. The report alleges that U.S. forces operating in Afghanistan have arbitrarily detained civilians, used excessive force and mistreated ...
Email discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), Mr. Solomon states that the Ambassador would like to respond to the speech. The Ambassador is particularly ...
Email is in response to a previous message from Steven Solomon, which discusses a recent speech by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour to the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). The reply is redacted.
Emails discuss an upcoming OSCE meeting. The author of the original email believes the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib will be a central focus of the meeting and wants to come up with a plan to discuss the issue and move onto other business.
Emails discuss pleas from human rights groups, like Amnesty International, urging the U.S. to not return Uyghur detainees back to China. The detainees are currently being held in Guantanamo Bay, there is fear that if they are returned the Uyghurs ...