Search Result (5)

Routing and tranmittal cover sheets from December 2001 though February 2002 re: Detainee Detention Flow Charts. No attachements
This document consists of seven (7) fax cover sheets from the State Department to State Department Officials concerning Prosecution and Detention of Al-Qaeda and Taliban Detainees. No attachments or details of the underlying fax documents.
NSC Fax Cover Sheet re: Agenda for Thursday, June 20, 2002. No additional comments. No attachments.
This fax cover sheet is from the Foreign & Commonwealth Office - British Embassy, Washington sent by Robert Macaire to John Bellinger with the message:"I attach a copy of an internal record of the unsuccesa(ul application for judicial review of ...
June 08, 2005
Robert Macaire
John Bellinger
John B. Bellinger, III, Jonathan B. Schwartz, Pierre-Richard Prosper, Bruce Swartz
State Department cover sheet for delivery of documents re: PCC Meeting on Detainees