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NCIS Report (Death): 12OCT05-MEBJ-0700-7HMA/C; Faisel Kurdi Serhan, Ar Ramadi area of Operations, October 10, 2005
Oct. 11, 2005 | NCIS | ACLU-RDI 5794
TThis is an NCIS investigation into the death of Faisel Kurdi Serhan, and Iraqi civilian who died while being placed in to custody by soldiers of Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 172th Infantry Regiment, US Nat. Guard stationed at Camp Ramadi, Iraq. Mr. Serhan was stopped in a vehicle with two (2) other men after being observed placing Improvised Explosive Devises (IEDs) on the roadside in Ar Ramadi. According to the soldiers, an AK-47 and IED bomb making material & detonators were found in the vehicle. As the soldiers began to search the men, Mr. Serhan would not submit to a pat-down, made an attempt to take a soldier's rifle, and then ran off. The soldier's believed Mr. Serhan was in possession of either a weapon or a detonator for the IEDs in the vehicle, so they shot at him, killing him. This file contains: 1) Three (3) Investigative Action Reports (Results of Interview, Oct. 13, 2005); 2) Investigative Action Report (Acquisition of Photographs, Oct. 12, 2005); 3) Investigative Action Report (Liaison with Civilian Interrogator, Camp Ramadi Detention Center, Oct. 13, 2005); 4) Investigative Action Report (Results of Interview with Detainee, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005); 5) Investigative Action Report (Results of Interview with Detainee, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005); and 6) Investigative Action Report (Liaison with personnel at, Camp Ramadi Detention Center Oct. 14, 2005). The investigating agent states that the evidence suggests that the soldiers acted within the Rules of Engagement and no charges will be preferred against them. Attachments redacted under NCIS Deleted Page Information Sheet.