After September 11, 2001, U.S. officials authorized the cruel treatment and torture of prisoners held in Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo, and the CIA's secret prisons overseas.

This database documents the U.S. government's official experiment with torture. At present, the database contains well over 100,000 pages of government documents obtained primarily through Freedom of Information Act litigation and requests filed by the ACLU, and through litigation of Salim v. Mitchell, a lawsuit brought by the ACLU on behalf of the survivors and the family of a dead victim of the CIA torture program. To learn more about the database, please read the About and Search Help pages. If you're a developer, you can also access this data through our API.

Search Result (53)

Detainee was interviewed on April 1, 2002 regarding the Qala-i-Jangi prison uprising, Nov. 25 - Dec. 1, 2001. He states that an explosion happened in the prision basement, maybe from a grenade, where he and many other prisoners were kept. He ...

Dec. 15, 2004
Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General

FBI Letterhead Memo (LHM) in response to DoD (CITF) (RFA)- FBI agents' interview of an unnamed detainee who recalls being at the Qala-e-Jangi prison facility during the prison uprising against US Forces. Identified several individuals in the ...

Dec. 15, 2004
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General
This is the report from the investigating Officer in to a riot and the shootings, non-lethal, of five (5) detainees at Camp Cropper, Iraq on June 9, 2003. On June 9, 2003 a Specialist entered the detainee portion of Camp Cropper to retrieve a ...
Oct. 19, 2004
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6), Interview (Statement)
Paul Hill
Paul Hill, Janis Leigh Karpinski
Physical assault, General