Search Result (62)

Sworn statement of sergeant at Abu Ghraib including a description of his surprise that "certain approaches" were acceptable. He witnessed a detainee left in cold temperatures without clothes or a blanket and with untreated wounds. The sergeant ...
This is the deposition of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski regarding conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. In her interview, Gen. Karpinski testified that she visited cell blocks 1A and 1B regularly; that Abu Ghraib housed juveniles ...
Cpt. Reese was the commander of the soldiers directly involved in detainee abuse at Abu Ghraib. He said of his men “I'm appalled by what I saw from my soldiers; 2 out of the 7 here are correctional officers. And they were specifically put there ...
Testimony of Command Sargent Major Pascual Cartagena, 800th Military Police Battalion. CMS Cartagena stated “I was an Individual Replacement [to the 800th MP Brigade] I was not associated with the 800th MP Brigade prior to this assignment I have ...
Testimony of First Lieutenant Lewis C. Raeder, Platoon Leader, 372nd Military Police Company. 1st LT. Raeder briefly described how his unit was deployed and then stated "We didn't receive any training at the MOB station; None of the training was ...
Testimony of Major Anthony Cavallaro, 800th Military Police Brigade. Major Cavallaro described how he came in to his position, and how his unit was deployed to Iraq and on to Abu Ghraib prison. He relates his understanding of a detainee shooting ...
Testimony of Major Michael Sheridan, 320th Military Police Battalion. Major Sheridan described his role in the unit and how his unit was deployed to Abu Ghraib, Iraq. He related his understanding of the November 17th riot involving an Iraqi ...
Col. describes how he received his assignment to Iraq and the conditions he found at Abu Ghraib prison. He also describes and an incident where he referred an "unauthorized detainee interview" to Gen Pappas and that was eventually given to Capt. ...
Interview conducted by Gen. Taguba of Lt. Colonel James O'Hare of the 800th Military Police Brigade. The Lt. Colonel goes in to detail about how he came to his assignment in Iraq as well as his experiences at Abu Ghraib prison. On his experience ...
Testimony of Lieutenant Colonel Gary Maddocks, Executive Officer, 800th Military Police Brigade, which guarded Abu Ghraib prison. LTC Maddocks gave specific and detailed accounts of his experiences at Abu Ghraib that includes the chain of ...