Search Result (7)

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Emails refer to the release of Russian Guantanamo detainees released by Russian Procuracy. A document is attached to the emails. [Document is not included].
Emails discuss and include an Associated Press article that includes a BBC interview by Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski, wherein she states she met a man at Abu Ghraib who told her he was Israeli and that he was conducting interrogations. ...
Emails discuss and include a cable from the U.K. Bar Association Chair and others expressing their opinion on interrogation methods utilized by the U.S. military in Iraq and Guantanamo. The U.K. Bar Association Chair stated that the "extreme ...
Emails include a New York Times article entitled "U.S. Disputed Protected Status of Iraq Inmates." The article discusses the American government's adamant position that many detainees in Iraq are not entitled to the full protections of the Geneva ...
Emails discuss a Reuters article that reports a former head of the Guantanamo Bay jail was sent to U.S. operated prisons in Iraq in order to ensure proper prison conditions.
Emails include an Associated Press article that reports on allegations of abuse in Iraq. The article includes accounts of abuse by released detainees, allegations included dog attacks, dietary manipulation and extended periods of hoodings.