Search Result (155)

You searched for: "aclu-rdi+275"

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This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Photograph, Medical (Physical (non-death))
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is an NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, an Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Notes, Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Physical (non-death)), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
This is a NCIS investigation into the death of Ahmad Khalaf Adbal, a Syrian national who died during interrogation at Camp Al Asad Regional Detention Facility (RDF), on January 3, 2007. It is reported that Mr. Abdal was being questioned for ...
Jan. 21, 2011
Investigative File (NCIS), Photograph, Medical (Autopsy, Death Certificate), Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Ahmad Khalaf Abdal
U.S. Marine Corps. command investigation into an allegation of detainee abuse. On July 7, 2004, during an interrogation, Abdullah Tohtasinovich Magrupov, reported to [redacted] that he was physically abused by a guard on or about July 5, 2004. .
Jan. 02, 2007
Investigative File
Abdullah Tohtasinovich Magrupov
Physical assault, General
U.S. Marine Corps. command investigation into two allegations of detainee abuse taking place at Camp Fallujah, Iraq. In the first allegation, a witness alleged that he/she observed a rapid deployment force (RDF) guard make a detainee perform ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Investigative File
Abdullah Tohtasinovich Magrupov, Jamal Malik al Harith
Physical assault, General, Forced physical training, Other
Records of JAGMAN investigation Preliminary Inquiry into the death of Farhad Mohamed Ali. Includes a summary of the finings and a series of the emails regarding the status of the investigation, as well as CID records. Summary of findings states ...
June 30, 2006
Investigative File
Farhad Mohamed