Search Result (7)

Chart lists the cases of detainee abuse, their location and other information concerning the handling and management of the case load.
High Profile Detainee Status chart of 10 detainees. Chart includes information regarding their arrival dates and dates of their last interrogations. [Details are redacted].

Email includes a list of 36 detainees captured in March/April 2004 and their status. [Names redacted].

Punch list for collection of documents relating to detainee operations at 501st Military Police Division Interrogation Facility.
This is a DOD inspector General's checklist after touring a detainee holding facility. it appears the facility being inspected checks out as sufficiently compliant.
Inspector General's checklist - Blank
List of photographs redacted in the document Production request re: ACLU v. DOD, No. 1:04-CV-4151 (S.D.N.Y.)