Search Result (5)

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Email between Jennifer Vlau, Sara Stryker and Jeremy Caddel concerning a Reuters article on U.S. Amb. Khalilzad conducting a review of Afghan jails in response to abuse allegations.
Dec. 17, 2004
Sara A. Stryker
William B. Taylor | Timothy E. Wilder
Zalmay Mamozy Khalilzad, Sara A. Stryker, William B. Taylor
Press release of trancript of Secretary of State Colin L. Powell On BBC TV with Huw Edwards. Sec. Powell discusses Iraq; Abu Ghraib prison abuse; and the President Bush & UK PM Blair relationship..
Dec. 17, 2004
Sara A. Stryker
George W. Bush, Colin L. Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers, Sara A. Stryker
These emails between Sara Stryker and Jeremy D. Caddel concerning the press coverage of allegations of mistreatment of detainees is sparse on information and only askes to add JoAnn Dolan to the email list for this subject.
Dec. 17, 2004
Sara A. Stryker
Jeremy D. Caddel
Sara A. Stryker, JoAnn J. Dolan, Jonathan S. Carpenter, Ronald W. Miller, Mustafa Popal
Email from Sara Stryker to Jeremy Caddel re: Excerpt from Secretary's Walk-out with Haitian Interim Prime Minister. Sec. Powell received questions on the 60 Minutes segment on the Abu Ghraib prison abuse; Iraqi security; and the return of Iraqi ...
Email from Sara Stryker to Patricia Haslach and others with an attachment of State Department talking points to address questions concerning allegations of detainees abuse. Ms. Stryker's comments are "for clearance, please, by 1100 if possible. I ...