Search Result (3)

The document includes portions of the transcript from the SASC hearing with Generals Craddock, Schmidt, and Furlow, regarding allegations of the abusive treatment of detainees and the Department of Defense's role in investigating such claims.
Interview (Transcript)
Randall Mark Schmidt, John T. Furlow, Bantz J. Craddock
This is a CIA Routing Slip for the distribution of a October 25, 2005 letter from Senator Carl Levin (D-MI), Ranking Member SASC, requesting a copy of the Inspector General report on its investigation of CIA personnel involvement in abuse of ...
Mar. 11, 2011
Non-legal Memo
Carl Levin

Questions for Alberto Gonzalez, during his confirmation hearing, including many related to the treatment of detainees

June 01, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Patrick Leahy
Alberto Gonzalez
Alberto R. Gonzales, John D. Ashcroft, Patrick Leahy, George W. Bush, Colin L. Powell, Donald H. Rumsfeld, George J. Tenet