Search Result (8)

DOD PowerPoint presentation on the detainee population, detention procedures, prosecutions, and transition issues in Iraq. The presentation provides the nationalities and numbers of detainees held, as well as other information about the ...

Jan. 14, 2014
L. Paul Bremer
CIA copy of Philadelphia Inquirer article reporting on the withholding of names of six U.S. soldiers arrested in Iraq as a result of the prisoner-abuse scandal at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.
DOD PowerPoint presentation on the detainee population, detention procedures, prosecutions, and transition issues in Iraq. The presentation provides the nationalities and numbers of detainees held, as well as other information about the ...
June 15, 2006
L. Paul Bremer
Instructions for a course entitled "HUMINT Intelligence Collector." Discusses intelligence oversight and procedures. Examples of special activities would include the movie Clear and Present Danger - inserting drug interdiction troops into ...

This document is a list and schedule for interviews and surveys on soldiers concerns and their observations and experience in dealing with detainees, training before deployment and Rules of Engagement.

Sept. 03, 2005
Thomas G. Miller, Barbara G. Fast
Printout of Newsday article (AP News) entitled "Guantanamo Returnees' Treatment Criticized." Gareth Peirce, who represented Asif Iqbal and Shafiq Rasul, said that the Metropolitan Police mistreated the British men arrested upon their return to ...
FBI Memo re: To Provide Counterterrorism and CIRG Divisions with a Progress Report. Encloses FBI team "Interrogation Strategy". Document heavily redacted.
The document is a form to request and authorize temporary duty travel for Department of Defense personnel, filled out for a redacted entity's service in Bishek, Kyrgyzstan, Bagram, Afghanistan, and Tashkent, Uzbekistan.