Search Result (209)

This DOS Cable to the US Mission, Geneva, Switzerland outlining the US position concerning the care, treatment & transfer of detainees captured and detained in the War on Terror and are in US custody.
Oct. 28, 2011
Kim R. Holmes
Kim R. Holmes, George W. Bush
Brian M Pharr is sending several files to JoAnn Dolan as the agenda for for a meeting of IAEG on March 18, 2003.
June 15, 2006
Brian M. Pharr
JoAnn J. Dolan

This fax contains a response letter to The Human Rights watch Ex. Dir. Kenneth Roth addressing his points made in an earlier letter to Sec. Def. Rumsfeld about releasing Taliban armed forces from Guantanamo since the war in Afghanistan is ...

Emails between State Department officials concerning the Ban\gram detainees and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) interest in visiting them in at the Bagram Detention Center in Afghanistan.
Emails between Mathew Waxman and Amb. Prosper concering a meeting on the detainees. The comments from Mr. Waxman are "Am I correct that what we need -- and I think this is what Pierre was recommending -- is a one-page sheet BEFORE we get to these ...
June 08, 2005
Mathew C. Waxman
Pierre-Richard Prosper
Pierre-Richard Prosper, Matthew C. Waxman, JoAnn J. Dolan, Ronald W. Miller
This memo is to address questions and concerns over the status and treatment of Guantanamo detainees. The memo states that: 1) the U.S. does not permit, tolerate or condone torture; 2) Detainees get excellent medical care; 3) the Al-Qaeda ...
June 08, 2005
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush
State Department cable stating that the U.S. has come to an agreement to return five (5) Guantanamo detainees back to their home country. The agreement includes assurances from the receiving country that the detainees will receive humane ...
June 08, 2005
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Ronald W. Miller, Pierre-Richard Prosper
White House Fax Cover Sheet re: Summary of Conclusions for 11-10-03 PCC on Detainees. No additional information. No attachments.
Discussion of the President's classification of six detainees as enemy combatants. Discusses the government's treatment of individuals classified as enemy combatants and how they will be tried, if tried.
May 04, 2005
Ronald W. Miller