Search Result (32)

These are notes and observations on Operation Iraqi Freedom from the JRTC Fire Support team while in the CENTCOM AOR during OPERATIONS Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom from May 31 - June 13, 2003.
Instructions for Task Force Talon Unit in detaining individuals. Deadly force is not authorized unless ammunition, weapons or explosives are being looted. Categories of detainees. Rules of Engagement. Arrest procedures.
Medical records of a 40 year-old Iraqi male, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) admitted to hospital with gunshot wound to abdomen. The medical records do not give any indication as to how the detainee received his injuries or what detention facility he ...
Medical records of a 20 year-old Iraqi male, Enemy Prisoner of War (EPW) admitted to hospital with gunshot wound to abdomen. The medical records do not give any indication as to how the detainee received his injuries or what detention facility he ...
This interview is of a 2LT with the 320th Military Police Battalion. He describes his unit and how they were deployed to Iraq. He then describes his job function and the process of gathering military intelligence; identifying High Value ...
An Army Staff Sergeant with the 314th Military Police Company describes his unit’s deployment to Iraq and his experience at Abu Ghraib prison. He describes handling detainees on a day-to-day basis and certain events that occurred at Abu Ghraib, ...
An Army Master Sargent interviews three (3) soldiers on their experiences at Abu Ghraib prison and the processing and handling detainees at that facility. They expressed their surprise at the lack of food, the condition of the facilities and most ...
This transcript of an interview with a First Sergeant of the 314th Military Police Company; 320th Battalion details his deployment, training and equiping his unit for deployment to Iraq in January 2004. His unit was deployed to Camp Bucca, Iraq ...
July 30, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Physical assault, General, Assault/death, Use of phobias, Threat
An Army Major with the 320th Military Police Battalion Internment Resettlement discusses Military Police Procedures and Detainee Processing at Abu Ghraib Prison. He discusses the operations at the prison and the challenges faced. He describes ...
An Army Command Sergeant Major with the 724th Military Police Battalion deployed to Camp Bucca, and described his unit's experience and the challenges they faced at the prison with force protection. The CSM stated that his unit's job was to ...