Search Result (5)

Death certificate of Manadel Al-Jamadi accompanied by a CID executive summary of his death. The summary asserts that Al-Jamadi died of a heart attack after being released from Navy Seal Team #7 and the OGA interrogation team. The CID will ...
Jan. 14, 2014
Non-legal Memo, Medical (Death Certificate)
Manadel Al-Jamadi
Physical assault
Summary of investigations into abuse of detainees in Afghanistan and Iraq. 56 incidents not in facility: 7 death investigations. (3 homicides. 1 justifiable homicide. 3 investigations pending). 19 thefts. 29 assaults. 1 sexual assualt. 141 ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, Assault/death, Threat
Updates and supplements information paper prepared to provide information on CID investigations into allegations of abuse committed against detainees in Iraq and Afghanistan who are/were in US custody and the known disposition of cases following ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault, Assault/death, Threat
This memo discusses investigations and outcomes including punishment. Total of 62 cases of detainee abuse and/or death have been or are being investigated - 46 by CID and 16 at the unit level. There are a variety of cases discussed. Many have ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Non-legal Memo
Thomas J. Romig
Physical assault, General, Threat, Assault/death
DOD memorandum referring accusations of abuse. The referral relates to a Guantanamo detainee's allegations that he was beaten while in custody in Afghanistan. Attached is a summary of an interview with the detainee.
Dec. 21, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Physical assault