Search Result (9)

This email from Jack Goldsmith to Scott Muller discusses the Inspector General Report concerning the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques.
Jack L. Goldsmith
Scott W. Muller
Jack L. Goldsmith, Scott W. Muller
EIT, Use of water, Waterboarding
This internal CIA email correspondence from June 2003 discusses the potential tasking for IC psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen as well as concerns about their role as contractors.
Sept. 20, 2006
Bruce Jessen, James Mitchell
Abu Zubaydah
EIT, SERE, Use of water, Waterboarding
Email from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo discussing whether the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani would violate any U.S. statute, the U.S. Constitution, or any treaty obligation of the U.S.
Email from Daniel Levin to John Rizzo discussing whether the use of twelve interrogation techniques in the interrogation of Sharif al-Masri would violate any U.S. statute, the U.S. Constitution, or any treaty obligation of the U.S.
This June 22, 2007 email re: EIT briefing for SECSTATE discusses the meeting Mitchell and Jessen had with John Rizzo and Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice (General Counsel John Bellenger also attended) to discuss two EITs and Common Article III. ...
Sept. 29, 2016
James Mitchell , Bruce Jessen, John A. Rizzo, Condoleeza Rice
EIT, Sleep deprivation, Nudity
This email discusses the sending and drafting of a cable requesting that Psychologist James Mitchell stay at the undisclosed location. This email asks that the cable not be sent until it is determined whether enhanced measures will need to be taken.
Dec. 20, 2016
James Mitchell
Abu Zubaydah
This email correspondence discusses the Mental Status Examination and Recommended Interrogation Plan for Gul Rahman that were prepared by Bruce Jessen. These were both reviewed by someone at the CIA's Counterterrorism Center whose name is ...
Dec. 20, 2016
Email, Medical
Bruce Jessen
Gul Rahman
This September 2002 email chain discusses medical coverage and setting up for interrogations, which includes having James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen ready to do an initial psycholohical assessment so that they can get waterboard approval and ...
Dec. 20, 2016
James Mitchell , Bruce Jessen
Abu Zubaydah
EIT, Use of water, Waterboarding
This is a report from interrogators at COBALT, a CIA black site in Northern Kabul, Afghanistan, describing the status of Gul Rahman's interrogation. It is reported that Rahman was not responding to interrogation by Bruce Jessen; the responder ...
Dec. 20, 2016
Non-legal Memo, Email, Cable
Bruce Jessen
Gul Rahman
EIT, Use of water, Other, Physical assault, General, Sleep deprivation, Isolation, Environmental manipulation, Light or sound, Temperature