Search Result (54)

This CID Report investigates numerous allegations of abuse that occurred in September and November of 2003 in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib Prison. Included in the file is the testimony of detainee victims and members of the 372nd Military Police ...

Detainee alleged that he was abused while in custody of U.S. forces. The detainee claims he was beaten, sexually assaulted and had his property stolen. Once released, detainee filed a complaint and told his story on Hardball with Chris Matthews. ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Investigative File (CID)
Physical assault, Sexual, General, Nudity, Sexual, Other Humiliation
Criminal Investigation Command (CID) report into allegations of assault, cruelty and maltreatment of a detainee by guards at Abu Ghraib. Among the detainee's allegations, he stated that a US Army Sergeant hung him by his arms from the bars of a ...
This Court Martial record discusses the court martial proceedings of Specialist Roman Krol, who was charged for offenses he committed while assigned to the Abu Ghraib Detention Facility on or about October 25, 2003. Specialist Roman Krol was ...

Female detainee alleged she was abused while in US custody. The investigation stated that there was insufficient evidence to prove the offenses of aggravated assault and cruelty and maltreatment. Detainee alleges she was forced to stand ...

Feb. 15, 2006
Investigative File (CID)
Use of water, Water dousing, Physical assault, Walling, General, Sleep deprivation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Detainee alleged that while at Abu Ghraib prison several soldiers slapped; punched; choked; struck his head, shoulders, and arms with a retractable metal baton; jumped on him; forced him to lean against a wall in a seated position; forced him to ...

General Bantz J. Craddock, Commander United States Southern Command, ordered an AR 15-6 investigation into alleged instances of abuse at Guantanamo. He appointed Brigadier General John T. Furlow and Lieutenant General Randall M. Schmidt to ...

Sworn statement of an Army Specialist intelligence analyst assigned to Abu Ghraib prison as a member of the Tiger Team of Interrogators. He stated that he did not conduct interviews initially and was very aware of the Rules of Engagement ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, General, Use of phobias, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Sworn statement of a Captain with the 372nd Military Police Company. The Captain states "I was shocked when I noticed that the detainees in Wing 1 were naked. There was one with women's underwear. . . . " Was told the nudity of detainees and ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Janis Leigh Karpinski
Physical assault, General, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Manipulation of interrogator’s identity
Report on an informal investigation conducted by Brigadier General Richard P. Formica into specific allegations of detainee abuse within CJSOTF-AP [Combined Joint Special Operating Task Force – Arabian Peninsula] and 5th SF [Special Forces] Group ...