Search Result (3)

This First Annex to Major General Antonio M. Taguba's Report in to the allegations of abuses at Abu Ghraib prison focuses on the psychological factors contributing to the abuse of detainees at the prison. The assessment cites a number of ...
Oct. 19, 2004
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Geoffrey D. Miller, Donald J. Ryder, Janis Leigh Karpinski
Physical assault, General, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
Results of a AR 15-6 investigation of photographs taken of John Walker Lindh by 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne). Describes photos taken of Lindh as "sophomoric". The Dep. Commander recommends counseling sessions, staff training and inclusion ...
July 15, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
David P. Burford
John Walker Lindh
Other Humiliation
This Army Memo for the Record describes results of investigation in to the allegations that there were photos taken of John Walker Lindh, an American captured while fighting for the Taliban in Afghanistan, while he was bound, blindfold and with a ...
July 15, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
David P. Burford
John Walker Lindh
Other Humiliation