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A fax (sent January 15, 2005) from the CIA to the OLC of the December 2004 OMS Guidelines on Medical and Psychological Support to Detainee Rendition, Interrogation, and Detention. The document is heavily redacted but describes the enhanced ...

This document is the Court Martial - charge and prosecution package for Specialist Charles A. Graner, Jr. of the 372nd Military Police Company. SPC Graner was a key figure in the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal and this document contains the ...

Interview of a civilian contractor with the Titan Corp. assigned to Abu Ghraib prison as an interrogator. The gentleman recalls several incidents of detainees being inappropriately treated before, during and after interrogations. He specifically ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement)
Physical assault, Walling, General, Isolation, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
This sworn statement by a Corporal, interrogator assigned to the 325th Military Intelligence Battalion and the 205th Military Intelligence Battalion. Explained that detainees would be brought to him either in handcuffs or not, would request that ...
Interviewee was assigned to AG on November 04, 2007 as a member of the 1st Military Intelligence Brigade. Recounted an incident when new arrivals came to AG, stated as "I was standing there, one of the detainees tried to adjust the sandbag on ...
Interviewee arrived to AG around mid-October as the Day-shift Non-commissioned Officer in Charge. Stated that his/her job was to manage detainee sleep plans, and to make sure the detainees were showered, fed, and did not cause problems. ...
Interviewee's Procedure 15 interview is an addendum to his prior interview (Interviewee's title and length of assignment are unknown). Interviewee stated that he observed a detainee hooded and handcuffed to a railing. When he inquired about the ...
Interviewee (title and length of assignment unknown). In the interviewee's sworn statement, recalled observing a detainee hooded and handcuffed to a railing. Interviewee recalled seeing dogs used during interrogations, in one instance, the dogs ...
Interviewee was assigned to AG on October 19, 2003 as a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Collector/Interrogator assigned to the Military Intelligence Group. Interviewee recalled a number of incidents. In the first incident, a MP Officer was escorting ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Thomas Pappas
Physical assault, General, Use of phobias, Isolation, Environmental manipulation, Hooding/Goggling, Nudity, Other
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