Search Result (71)

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This synopsis of events concerns the taking of prisoners from a house in Baqubah, Iraq, November 22, 2003 from where gunfire upon U.S./Coalition forces emanated. The report of events is by the investigating officer and details the actions of ...
This report provides detailed information into the death of Zaid Muhammed Tariq, an Iraqi national detainee. On August 22, 2003, at the Dakota EPW Holding Cell officers found Mr. Tariq on the floor of his cell, cell 14, having convulsions. The ...
Jan. 02, 2007
Investigative File (AR 15-6), Interview (Statement)
Zaid Muhammed Tariq
Physical assault
AR 15-6 investigation regarding allegations of abuse by two detainees. Memos appointing the AR 15-6 investigating officer request that the officer find out whether detainees were taken from the facility, and if so, by whom. First detainee, who ...
Summary of findings of inquiry into the death of a detainee on January 9, 2004, at Al Asad Air Base. Detainee, probably named Asad, was captured on January 4, 2004 and held at a Temporary Tactical Holding Facility (TTHF) at Al Asad Air Base. On ...
June 30, 2006
Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Physical assault, Walling, General, Stress positions, Other
Sworn statement of Chief Warrant Officer 2 attached to a Memo for Record dated August 7, 2004. Talks about detention procedures and time limits on detentions. States that the ODA "could request an extension through the AOB. I only recall this ...

Summary of AR 15-6 investigation into death of detainee who was picked up in a cafe on 12/22/2003 and appeared to be mentally challenged. Detainee was held at 2-3 FA Detention Center for about 3 days, and then transported to 501 FSB Detention ...

Sworn statement of a commander, of Lieutenant Colonel Concerning Detainee Interrogation Policy, with attached emo for Record dated August 7, 2004. Statement says that CJSOTF Policy provided "clear guidance" on "the types of interrogations that we ...
Discusses a meeting that took place regarding an AR 15-6 investigation concerning incidents of detainee abuse at Radwaniya Palace, Iraq. Topics of discussion included: "four investigation files into significant incidents" at THFs, including two ...
This document is part of an AR 15-6 investigative file with a chronology of the progress and steps taken to investigate abuses at the Abu Ghraib detention Facility.
June 30, 2006
Non-legal Memo, Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Richard P. Formica
Record of UCMJ Article 15 proceedings relating to CID report 0035-03-CID259-6114. Allegation of misconduct was against a soldier for shooting and killing a detainee during a disturbance in the prison at Camp Bucca, Iraq. The report found that ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Investigative File (AR 15-6)
Geoffrey D. Miller
Ahmes Al-Haddii Yasiree
Physical assault, General