Search Result (10)

A letter from John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General, to Congressman Peter Hoekstra, the Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The letter indicates that a copy of the OIG report concerning the death of Abid Hamad ...
John L. Helgerson
Pete Hoekstra
John L. Helgerson, Pete Hoekstra
Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi
A letter from John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General, to Senator Pat Roberts, the Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The letter indicates that a copy of the OIG report concerning the death of Abid Hamad Mahawish ...
John L. Helgerson
Pat Roberts
John L. Helgerson, Pat Roberts
Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi
A letter from John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General, to Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the Vice-Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. The letter indicates that a copy of the OIG report concerning the death of Abid Hamad ...
A letter from John Helgerson, the CIA Inspector General, to Congresswoman Jane Harman, the ranking Democratic member on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. The letter indicates that a copy of the OIG report concerning the death ...
John L. Helgerson
Jane Harman
John L. Helgerson, Jane Harman
Abid Hamad Mahawish Al-Mahalawi
The document is a letter from Assistant Director Eleni P. Kalisch of the Office of Congressional Affairs to Senator Patrick Leahy, regarding Senator Leahy's claim that FBI Director Mueller withheld key information about the mistreatment of ...
An exchange of letters between Senator Charles Grassley and Assistant Attorney General William E. Moschella regarding the OLC's August 2002 memo defining torture. Senator Grassley initiated the exchange by forwarding to AAG Moschella for response ...
William E. Moschella, Charles E. Grassley
Response to letter from Senator Patrick Leahy seeking clarification regarding referral for investigation received by DOJ from DOD and CIA. Specifically concerning the investigation of abuses by civilian contractors at Abu Ghraib.
Oct. 15, 2004
William Moschella
Patrick Leahy
Patrick Leahy, William E. Moschella, Orrin Hatch
This State Department letter is from Paul V. Kelly, Assistant Secretary Legal Affairs, DOS to Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)concerning an article in the Washington Post dated December 26, 2002 concerning U.S. interrogation methods. Mr. Kelly is ...
Dec. 02, 2004
Paul V. Kelly
Jeff Bingaman
Paul V. Kelly, Jesse Francis Bingaman, Jr., Paula J. Dobriansky
Background paper on redacted subject sent by Stanley M. Moskowitz, Director of Congressional Affairs at the CIA. Cover letters identify recipients of paper as congressional staffers Michael W. Sheehy, Tim Sample, Al Cumming, and Bill Duhnke, and ...
This letter is from Paula J. Dobriansky, State Department Under Secretary for Global Affairs to Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) responding to the Senator’s recent letter raising concerns over an article in the Washington Post concerning allegations of ...
Dec. 02, 2004
Paula Dobriansky
Jeff Bingaman | Charles E. Grassley
Paula J. Dobriansky, Jesse Francis Bingaman, Jr., Charles E. Grassley