Search Result (530)

This document is an email to redacted FBI officials seeking guidance regarding military request to interview Special Agents in the field in Afghanistan on detainee abuse and deaths. Patrick Kelley responds that National Security Law Branch is ...
Oct. 30, 2009
Patrick Kelly
[Redacted] (OGC) (FBI)
Patrick Kelly, Frankie Battle, Thomas J. Harrington
This document is an email describing the allegations of a detainee (whose name is redacted). The detainee claims to have been abused by two FBI agents in Afghanistan who later came back to interrogate him in GTMO. Detainee claimed that the FBI ...
This document is an email describing the allegations of a detainee (whose name is redacted). The detainee claims to have been abused by two FBI agents in Afghanistan who later came back to interrogate him in GTMO. Detainee claimed that the FBI ...
This document is an email in which two FBI officials discuss advice given on reading Miranda warnings to detainees overseas. Most of the document is redacted.
Oct. 30, 2009
[Redacted] (OGC) (FBI)
Julie F. Thomas
Julie F. Thomas
This document is an email criticizing Judge Robertson's decision in Hamdan v. Rumsfeld. The email states that "This is an opportunity for the Administration to fix the process and still save the process." It includes three pages of the opinion ...
Julie F. Thomas | Frankie Battle
Julie Thomas, Frankie Battle
This document is mostly redacted. The most substantive portion states that [Redacted] (OGC) (FBI) sent an unredacted copy of an email from 1/21/04 5:15 p.m. entitled "Subject: FWD: re: Impersonating FBI."
Oct. 30, 2009
Valerie E. Caproni
Julie F. Thomas
Valerie E. Caproni, Julie Thomas
This email outlines the procedure for processing accusations of abuse by detainees, confirming that the FBI turns over reports of detainee abuse to DoD, who are responsible for investigating.
Oct. 30, 2009
Valarie E. Caproni
Valerie E. Caproni
This document is an email to FBI personnel informing them that DOJ OIG has begun an inquiry into abuses of detainees at GTMO, Abu Ghraib, and other U.S. military prisons. The message notes that Patrick Kelley is the point of contact for DOJ OIG. ...
Oct. 30, 2009
Julie F. Thomas
Valerie E. Caproni
Julie Thomas, Patrick Kelly
This document is a series of emails concerning interviews conducted by Brig. Gen. Furlow and Paul Zimmerman of USDOJ OIG regarding FBI agents and members of the military who may have witnessed detainee abuse.
Oct. 30, 2009
Patrick Kelly
Julie F. Thomas
Patrick Kelly, Julie Thomas
This document is a series of emails discussing whether there has been guidance given to FBI agents in GTMO or Iraq about when they should stand clear because of the Department of Defense's interrogation tactics or notify an authority if the ...
Dec. 07, 2010
Valerie E. Caproni