Search Result (4)

This document is a statement signed by an FBI Special Agent in the presence of a Supervisory Special Agent. The agent recounts their assignment by the Defense Humint Services Headquarters to lead a Humint Augmentation Team in support of a special ...
Detainee states he was initially questioned by members of his home government who told him that "the United States is very weak and in financial ruin because of the Trade Center bombing". Detainee also stated that the delegation told him that the ...
May 18, 2005
Non-legal Memo, Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Dietary manipulation, Environmental manipulation, Temperature
Summary of Interview of detainee detainee at Kandahar, Afghanistan. Detainee states he was once held in "Cuban Prision", presumably Guantanamo, but released in prisioner exchange
Dec. 15, 2004
Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General, Sleep deprivation, Dietary manipulation

Summary of Interview of detainee detainee at Kandahar, Afghanistan. Detainee states he was once held in "Cuban Prision", presumably Guantanamo, but released in prisioner exchange.

Dec. 15, 2004
Interview (Summaries/Notes)
Physical assault, General, Sleep deprivation, Dietary manipulation