Search Result (7)

This cable sent from the Paris Mission sent to State Department Headquarters with the following synopsis: “On March 19, 2002, post received a letter addressed to the Ambassador from the attorneys of the families of detainees who are allegedly in ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
JoAnn J. Dolan, Colin L. Powell, Bruce Swartz, John B. Bellinger, III, Eliana Davidson
State Department cable distributes transcript from the February 27, 2002 press conference where a variety of subjects were addressed. Among the issued raised were: i) Cubans forced removal from Mexican Embassy; ii) Human rights in Cuba; and iii) ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, Richard A. Boucher, Sharon E. Ahmad

Cable discusses many issues, including an issue of selling arms to countries with histories of supporting terrorism or regional conflict.

Dec. 30, 2004
Sharon E. Ahmad, George W. Bush, Colin L. Powell, Richard Lee Armitage
State Department cable discusses the Swiss National Council's (lower house of parliament) declaration to other nations that they continue to respect the Geneva Conventions as "indisputable mimimum standards that may not be qualified under any ...
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Sharon E. Ahmad, Colin L. Powell
State Department cable from Washington to Mission in Kabul concerning upcoming meetings in Afghanistan on the development of the Afghan army and central bank.
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
State Department cable synopsizing a meeting between Sec. Powell and Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Diess concerning the geneval Conventions application to the Guantanamo detainees.
Dec. 30, 2004
Colin L. Powell
State Department cable concerning the procedures for U.S. Military commissions that may be established to try suspected Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrrorists. This State Department cable provides talking points for US mission & Embassy officials to ...
Dec. 17, 2004
Colin L. Powell
Colin L. Powell, George W. Bush