Search Result (3)

Email includes an executive summary that discusses the DOA's investigations into detainee abuse, including the different types of support they have received thus far.
This Department of Defense memo is to address questions that may arise from the release of the Schlesinger Report and Navy Inspector General Admiral A.T. Church's review of detainee operations at Guantanamo. The memo includes a brief description ...
June 24, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Albert T. Church, James R. Schlesinger, Geoffrey D. Miller
Water dousing, Sexual, Forced grooming, Use of water, Other Humiliation

[Partially unreadable] Interview of MG Barbara G. Fast's July 20, 2004 Statement re: AG. Interviewed by LTG Jones and MG Fay. Fay explained there was pressure for interrogators to perform, but stated did not believe there was pressure to ...