Search Result (80)

Emails discuss an attached PowerPoint (ppt.) on enemy POW detention and interrogation, the ppt. was forwarded to different recipients. [PowerPoint slides not attached].
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder, Stephen J. Curry
Emails discuss a "HASC murder board." The emails are heavily redacted. An attached document contains an operations update for the Secretary of Defense.
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder, Ricardo Sanchez, Donald H. Rumsfeld
The original email contains four attachments, including photos from Abu Ghraib (the photos are not included in this document). The "Tasking Summary" is included in the email, its subject is entitled "Investigations." The Summary mentions a final ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder, Antonio Taguba
Emails discuss a briefing to the Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld. The significant points from the briefing are attached and included in the email; included in the points is a discussion of whether any team member observed detainee abuse at ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder, Donald H. Rumsfeld
The emails discuss a necessary pre-brief before the personnel debrief the U.S. House of Representatives-House of Armed Services Committee (HASC). The attached and included document outlines of presentation by BG Swan, MG Ryder and MG Romig on ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Duncan Lee Hunter, Donald J. Ryder, Thomas J. Romig, Robin P. Swan
Emails reference an attached document entitled "Tasking Summary #10 (12 May 04)." The document summarizes the investigation activities of the CID. The summary mentions CID's possession of CDs and videos relating to Abu Ghraib detainee ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder, Michael D. Maples
Emails reference an attached document entitled "5-17- daily update." [Document is not included].
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder
Email references a document entitled "Information Paper on PMG vice CID." The document discusses the Office of the Provost Marshall General's (OPMG) current and future operations. The document also includes a timeline of operational support the ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Donald J. Ryder
The emails reference six attached documents, including Excel spreadsheets, which detail Abu Ghraib detainee deaths and escapes.
Feb. 15, 2006
Chart/List, Email
Jay Alan Liotta, Donald J. Ryder
Email refers to an attached document that discusses internment operations and law of war training. A particular paragraph in the document outlines the Army's rules/guidelines, stating soldiers do not kill or torture enemy prisoners.
Feb. 15, 2006
Jay Alan Liotta, Donald J. Ryder