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This memo from Donald Rumsfeld to Stephen Hadley, Cheney, Gonzales, Rice, and Dan Bartlett provides a set of metrics for detention operations through July 20, 2005.
Dec. 15, 2009
Non-legal Memo
Donald H. Rumsfeld
Stephen Hadley
Richard B. Cheney, Alberto R. Gonzales, Condoleeza Rice, Daniel Bartlett
This is a CIA Routing Slip with a fifteen (15) page memorandum attached. The Memo is fully redacted. The memo is from Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, "regarding [redacted] Letters on Detainees". There ...
Mar. 11, 2011
Non-legal Memo
Condoleeza Rice

Emails discuss the handling of detainee death and abuse cases, authors comment on the investigations and different training techniques being used as a result of the reports and investigations. Included is an Associated Press article which ...

Summary of comments made through media outlets by General Peter Schoomaker, General George Casey, Major General Geoffrey Miller, Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, President George Bush, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, General Peter Pace, ...
Col. describes how he received his assignment to Iraq and the conditions he found at Abu Ghraib prison. He also describes and an incident where he referred an "unauthorized detainee interview" to Gen Pappas and that was eventually given to Capt. ...