Search Result (7)

General Kern testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee on the detainee abuse that occurred at Abu Ghraib prison. Gen. Kern stated "We set our course to find truth, not to “whitewash” or to convict those who are not incriminated". And ...
Email includes a document entitled "Allegations of Mistreatment of Iraqi Prisoners." The document contains questions and answers from a May 7, 2004 senate hearing, it states that 122 people are under investigation in 56 detainee death and abuse ...
Feb. 15, 2006
Email, Interview (Questionnaire)
Carl Levin, Antonio Taguba, Donald J. Ryder
Transcript of the testimony of Paul Wolfowitz (Deputy Secretary of Defense), Gen. Peter Pace (USMC, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), and Joel Kaplan (Deputy Director of the OMB).

Transcript of the testimony of Donald Rumsfeld, Gen. Richard Myers (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Les Brownlee (acting sec. of the Army), Gen. Peter Shoomaker (Army Chief of Staff), and Lt. Gen. Lance Smith (U.S. Central Command dep. ...

Statement from the Army regarding allegations of abuse at Abu Ghraib (two versions). Army as Executive Agent for Detainee Operations provided talking points regarding contract interrogator standards, interrogation training improvements, and Army ...
Dec. 31, 2004
Interview (Transcript)
Isaac Newton Skelton IV, Romie Leslie Brownlee, John Warner, Carl Levin
Physical assault, General