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This is an email (with sender and receiver redacted) sending a final draft of the CIA High Value Target Interrogation and Exploitation (HVTIE) Team Training document. The postscript note in the email mentions Mitchell and Jessen by name and ...
Dec. 20, 2016
James Mitchell , Bruce Jessen
This internal CIA email correspondence from June 2003 discusses the potential tasking for IC psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen as well as concerns about their role as contractors.
Sept. 20, 2006
Bruce Jessen, James Mitchell
Abu Zubaydah
EIT, SERE, Use of water, Waterboarding
This document is a CIA Memo drafted for the Deputy Director for Operations via the Associate Deputy Director for Operations/Counterintelligence. The memo contains background information related to the treatment and condition of detainees as it ...