Search Result (5)

Emails discussed possible abuse in Abu Grarib prison. M.C. Briese stated he did not witness any mistreatment, however, stated Abu Graib was understaffed. Also, referred Caproni to CJIS and HRT management, explaining those offices spent a great ...

Emails between Frankie Battle, MC Briese, Valerie Caproni, TJ Harrington re: DOD Guidelines when serving in Iraq. Several FBI agents who served are mentioned.

This email is collecting a list of FBI agents who toured through Iraq in 2003, and obtaining statments from them concerning their understanding of FBI interrogation procedures for detainees.

M. Chris Briese sent an email stating "All, The Director wanted to know (by the end of the day) if anyone from the FBI had first-hand knowledge of any abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. If so, how did we handle it. I know that we have been made aware ...
Email thread discussing possibility of FBI abuse at Abu Ghraib. One email says "Bottom line is FBI personnel have not been involved in any methods of interrogation that deviate from our policy [redacted]. The specific guidance we have given has ...