Search Result (10)

The document is an internal FBI email regarding a Washington Post report in which it was alleged that the FBI was involved in abuses at the Abu Ghuraib Prison.
The document is an internal FBI email regarding a detainee issue. The email has been heavily redacted, so the contents of the email are unknown.
Emails between Valerie Caproni, Eleni Kalisch and Others re: Potential New Iraq Public Corruption Case
May 27, 2004 Iraq Daily Situation Report. John Pistole is asking Valerie Caproni to review the "2nd paragraph" of the report "re: the techniques" and to discuss it with him and Gary Bald. Email is heavily redacted as to content.
Email chain concerning questions from Congress re: Detainee abuse allegations, Iraqi public corruption, contract fraud and Members of the House Armed Services Committee visiting Guantanamo on 5/25/2004
Email details FBI investigation of mistreatment, abuse or "highly aggressive" treatment of detainees in Iraq that are known or observed by FBI agents who have cycled through Guantanamo. The email states that fourteen (14) agents have witnessed ...
Email is to prepare the Director for an up-coming congressional hearing on Torture allegations, and if anyone was made aware of any such allegations. Bowman states that the matter was sent to SAC in Miami and CT. In addition it states that ...
Dec. 15, 2004
Marion E. Bowman
Valerie E. Caproni
Marion E. Bowman, Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran, Kenneth L. Wainstein

Preparations for The Director's Senate Judiciary hearing on 5/20/04 Concerning the Treatment of Prisoners, i.e. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo.

Attaches a DOD fact sheet on Guantanamo detainees, a newly released DOD order establishing administrative review for procedures for enemy combatants held in Guantanamo and a DOD news release. Attachments not provided.
Dec. 15, 2004
Valerie E. Caproni
Valerie E. Caproni, Kenneth L. Wainstein, John S. Pistole
Email from Kenneth Wainstein to Robert Mueller, Valerie Caproni re: Preparation for Testimony on Detainee Issue. Contents heavily redacted.
Dec. 15, 2004
Kenneth L. Wainstein
Robert S. Mueller
Kenneth L. Wainstein, Robert S. Mueller, Valerie E. Caproni