After September 11, 2001, U.S. officials authorized the cruel treatment and torture of prisoners held in Afghanistan, Iraq, Guantanamo, and the CIA's secret prisons overseas.

This database documents the U.S. government's official experiment with torture. At present, the database contains well over 100,000 pages of government documents obtained primarily through Freedom of Information Act litigation and requests filed by the ACLU, and through litigation of Salim v. Mitchell, a lawsuit brought by the ACLU on behalf of the survivors and the family of a dead victim of the CIA torture program. To learn more about the database, please read the About and Search Help pages. If you're a developer, you can also access this data through our API.

Search Result (6709)

Standard Operating Procedures for detention of civilians, including rules of who may be detained, proper handling of detainees, transfer and property seizure.
Standard Operating Procedures for Detainees including humane treatment (including protection against "assault, insults, public curiosity, bodily injury, and reprisals of any kind") strip-searches, detainee personal property, fingerprinting, ...
Mar. 23, 2005
Non-legal Memo
Raymond Odierno
Raymond T. Odierno
Unlabed photographs of soldiers and military vehicles.
Court-Martial charge package for soldiers accused of detainee abuse. This court-martial setms from incidents where Iraqi detainees were stripped of their clothing and released.There is also an allegation of a detainee being shocked.
This Memo from the Army is dismissing, with prejudice, charges brought in a Court-Martial proceeding in exchange for the soldier pleading guilty to two (2) charges brought in an Article 15 proceeding. The investigation was in regards to ...
Mar. 23, 2005
Legal Memo, Photograph, Interview (Statement), UCMJ (Court-Martial, Article 15)
Face slap or insult slap, Walling, General, Assault/death, Physical assault, Threat

Emails between Valerie Caproni to T.J. Harrington and Otrhers re: Instructions for FBI Interrogators at Guantanamo. The emails goes in to detail on how FBI agents serving at Guantanamo should conduct themselves and not deviate from Bureau ...

This is the deposition of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski regarding conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. In her interview, Gen. Karpinski testified that she visited cell blocks 1A and 1B regularly; that Abu Ghraib housed juveniles ...
This document is the condensed notes of an interview of at Screener in Abu Ghraib Prison from Mid-December 2003 through January 2004. The interview is a verbatim rendition of the Screener’s statement and it is noted that the statement is to be ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Statement, Summaries/Notes)
George R. Fay
Use of water, Other, Physical assault, Walling, Sexual, General, Use of electricity, Stress positions, Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Isolation, Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual, Religious, Other
Sworn statement from a CACI contractor who screened detainees arriving at Abu Ghraib from Asamiya Palace (alternate spelling: Adhamiya Palace) from mid-December 2003 through January 2004. The Screener describes in her statement hearing ...
Interviewee tated that he/she never witnessed abuse, but once saw "use of dog but I do not know who used them or for what. The event happened at WOODSIDE." Also stated that "[t]here was another time in November when an MP used loud music which ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Thomas Pappas
Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Environmental manipulation, Light or sound