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Medical Report: 30-Year-Old Male Iraqi Detainee, Mosul, Iraq re: Maltreatment

May 23, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 4759
A 30 year-old male Iraqi detainee states he received maltreatment at the hands of US forces at the Mosul Airport.The detainee reports being beaten when he was arrested. He states he was hooded; had hands tied behind his back; placed in a cold small room; sprayed with cold water; and left for two to three days with no food or drink. He stated the guards would not let him sleep. They would do this by making him stand and playing loud music. He was transferred to Abu Ghraib on May 21, 2004. Investigation concluded insufficient evidence to prove/disprove allegations.
  • 2004-05-01, Mosul, Iraq
    • CID Report of investigation into detainee's allegations of abuse while in U.S. custody at Mosul Airport, Iraq, May 1, 2004 through May 4, 2004. The detainee reports being beaten when he was arrested. He states he was hooded; had hands tied behind his back; placed in a cold small room; sprayed with cold water; and left for two to three days with no food or drink. He stated the guards would not let him sleep. They would do this by making him stand and playing loud music. He was transferred to Abu Ghraib on May 21, 2004. Investigation concluded insufficient evidence to prove/disprove allegations.