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FBI Memo re: Interview of Detainee at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay

Nov. 11, 2002 | FBI | ACLU-RDI 3414
Detainee states he was initially questioned by members of his home government who told him that "the United States is very weak and in financial ruin because of the Trade Center bombing". Detainee also stated that the delegation told him that the "United States cannot afford to keep and feed the few hundred prisoners in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba anymore". However, the detainee went on to say that will be turtored if sent home and requested political asylum in America or "some other western democratic country". He said he knows that "America is best democratic society and the American people are happy, live well, have civil rights, and are respected". The detainee also stated that he was concerned for his family and that they are in danger because his government is oppressive. The detainee stated that "while at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, America has been very nice and has treated him really well" although he does state that one time the air conditioner was turned cold on him during an interview, and another time he missed a meal due to a prolonged interview. The dertainee concluded by saying that he is not a terrorist and has no such feelings towards America.
  • Unknown date, Camp Delta, Guantanamo
    • Adetainee interview stated that during tow interview sessions at Camp Delta Guantanamo: 1) the interview went long and he missed dinner; and 2) on another occasion the interviewer turned the air conditioner down and made him cold.