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Formica Report Annex 199: Statement of Commander of the 10th Special Forces Group (A) re: Detainee Operations and Detainee Handling Once in Custody

Aug. 2, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 2677
Statement of Commander of unit that did not have a detention facility but that conducted tactical battlefield interrogations immediately after detaining individuals. States that guidance about detainee treatment was clear. Mentions Gen. Sanchez's guidance: "LTG Sanchez's memorandum was clear and to the point, and for these reasons there was no need for me to provide further guidance on this topic, other than to ensure the memorandum's requirements were met." "I did and do believe that the guidance given during Sept 2003 to Dec 2003 was sufficient to provide the individual soldier and chain of command appropriate understanding of the proper way to conduct detainment operations".