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Formica Report Annex 64: Statement of an Iraqi who became a Detainee with Family Members re: Experience as a Detainee

June 20, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 2554
Sworn statement by a Iraqi national who became a detainee at Abu Ghraib along with his sister and brother. He claims that his brother was with the Saddam regime and when he went to visit his sister in Iraq he was taken in to custody as a detainee and held for 30 days, and then to "the old [redacted] airport" for an additional 24 days. While in custody, the detainee states that "the Americans were very nice" but that he was beaten by two Iraqis until he was "bleeding from [his] nose, mouth and ears." He is specific in stating that at no time was he abused, nor did he witness abuse by U.S. forces. The Iraqis were abusive. Refers to two sisters and two brothers, and states, "One brother is dead." States, "I turned myself in because they told me they wanted to talk to me for ten minutes," and mentions being "hung up on a nail," "handcuffed," and "blindfolded." States, "I didn't have any food for two and a half days." Continues, "[Redacted] started beating me and said they were going to stick a bottle in me.... [Redacted stuck a stick of iron in my rectum." Detainee states that at Adhamiya, "[Redacted]... pulled the bottoms of my testicles with a pair of pliers.... I couldn't urinate because I was in pain."
  • 2003-12-24, Adhamiya (Adhamiya Palace), Iraq
    • Sworn statement by an Iraqi detainee. Refers to two sisters and two brothers, and states, "One brother is dead." States, "I turned myself in because they told me they wanted to talk to me for ten minutes," and mentions being "hung up on a nail," "handcuffed," and "blindfolded." States, "I didn't have any food for two and a half days." Continues, "[Redacted] started beating me and said they were going to stick a bottle in me.... [Redacted stuck a stick of iron in my rectum." Detainee states that at Adhamiya, "[Redacted]... pulled the bottoms of my testicles with a pair of pliers.... I couldn't urinate because I was in pain." Refers to being given a drink that "made [him] hallucinate." Detainee was held at Adhamiya between December 24 and January 2, when he was transferred to Abu Ghraib.