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Formica Report Annex 17: FRAGO 749: Intelligence and Evidence - LED Detention Operations Relating to Detainees

Aug. 24, 2003 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 2503
Fragmentary Order 749 (FRAGO 749) relating to detainees, which "consolidates prior orders and guidance." Document is substantially redacted. States, "Capturing units will not detain persons unless there is a reasonable belief that the person is or was engaged in criminal activity, possesses information important to, or that interferes with, coalition missions, is on a list of persons wanted for questioning or is an enemy combatant". Defines different categories of detainee and detention terms. States, "All civilian detainees shall have a review of their case no later than 72 hours from time of induction". Gives further details of how to treat detainees, e.g. Handling and Detention Summaries. Refers to the Geneva Conventions regarding treatment of Enemy Prisoners of War (EPWs) and Civilian Internees, and states that "a Civilian Internee is protected according to Geneva Convention IV (Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War)." Attaches various reference materials and forms (e.g. Witness Statement form and Fingerprint Card).