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Taguba Report Annex 62: Testimony of Captain Marc C. Hale, Commander, 670th Military Police Company

Feb. 10, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 311
Testimony of Captain Marc C. Hale, Commander, 670th Military Police Company. Cpt. Hale described how his unit got to Iraq and the challenges they faced as soldiers. He stated that they were for escorting personnel such as contractors and other battalion needs. They were not directly involved in prison operations or detainee handling. He also stated that "My soldiers were never trained on Geneva Convention. I received training on the ROE, and turned around and provided training to my soldiers. The only time I heard anything about treatment of prisoners was when this whole big thing happened last month." Finally, he highlighted that his unit is only now in charge of certain prison matters and that things are going much better.