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Taguba report Annex 59: Testimony of Major David W. DiNenna, 320th Military Police Battalion

Feb. 9, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 267
Testimony of Major David W. DiNenna, 320th Military Police Battalion. Major DiNenna stated his job was "I'm essentially responsible for accomplishing the mission according to the commander's intent". As for the treatment of prisoners under his control the Major stated "there's nothing that has ever been put out in black and white, from JAG channels, as to the differences that Geneva may apply, or may not apply, to EPW's, security detainees, displaced civilians, civilian criminals, which is a whole different area, etc..." He also added "I know for a fact, that if I were to tell my soldiers, to hit someone in the head with a baseball bat, they wouldn't do it". When discussing his experience in the field he stated "I never witnessed any physical abuse. I wouldn't tolerate it. I'm very sensitive to how prisoners are handcuffed. Our soldiers are more very sensitive, because of what our soldiers went through. I won't even allow profanity, though they [Iraqis] don't understand what you're saying, and it's culturally insensitive... It's uncalled for, because they don't even know what you're saying. No, Sir. At no time, did I witness any prisoner abuse".