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Formica Report Annex 109: Statement of Special Forces Interrogator Deployed to Tikrit, Iraq Feb. - May 2004
June 30, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 2598
Sworn statement of a U.S. Special Forces soldier who interrogated detainees in Tikrit, Iraq between February & May 2004. He is discussing interrogation and detention locations and procedures. States, "[We] used the interrogation techniques approved by CJSOTF-AP. These techniques included baseline, direct, emotional fulfillment, and knowledge. Additionally, there were other techniques that had to be approved by a higher headquarters, O5 or O6 level. Some of the other techniques include Mutt/Jeff, incentive, fear up, pride down, loud music, working dogs; about eight or so in all." Continues, "Sleep management was an authorized technique we used. We could reduce the sleep to a minimum requirement of 4 hours of sleep per every 24 hours but this could not be continued for more than 72 hours."