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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility
Jan. 20, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 852
Interviewee was assigned to the Internal Reaction Force.
Interviewee recalled an incident where a MI person yelled profanity at a detainee and punched the detainee in the back of the head with a closed fist, causing the detainee to fall forward. The MI soldier was joined by another soldier, both soldiers yelled at the detainee, pushed him down repeatedly, put an arm lock around the detainee's neck. The soldiers also struck the detainee in his mid-section and drug the detainee by the neck.
[Interviewee described another incident, but it was unreadable]. From the questionnaire, it is stated that the detainee witnessed a Captain dragging a detainee with a sandbag covering his head and was naked. Detainee was also kicked, kicked with full force.
Interviewee also described a third incident with a dog, that was allowed to scare a detainee. The interviewee stated that the MI person called the K-9 handler with the dog into the cell, the detainee was bound and could not move, the handler allowed the dog to come within inches of the detainee's face and at one point the dog bit the detainee's arm (later saw the detainee and noticed he was bitten multiple times).
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee was assigned to the Internal Reaction Force. Interviewee recalled an incident where a MI person yelled profanity at a detainee and punched the detainee in the back of the head with a closed fist, causing the detainee to fall forward. The MI soldier was joined by another soldier, both soldiers yelled at the detainee, pushed him down repeatedly, put an arm lock around the detainee's neck. The soldiers also struck the detainee in his mid-section and drug the detainee by the neck.
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee was assigned to the Internal Reaction Force. Interviewee also described a third incident with a dog, that was allowed to scare a detainee. The interviewee stated that the MI person called the K-9 handler with the dog into the cell, the detainee was bound and could not move, the handler allowed the dog to come within inches of the detainee's face and at one point the dog bit the detainee's arm (later saw the detainee and noticed he was bitten multiple times).
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee was assigned to the Internal Reaction Force. [Interviewee described another incident, but it was unreadable]. From the questionnaire, it is stated that the detainee witnessed a Captain dragging a detainee with a sandbag covering his head and was naked. Detainee was also kicked, kicked with full force.