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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility
May 28, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 907
Interviewee was assigned to AG in October 2003 as a member of the Tiger Team.
Interviewee recalled an interrogation where a member of the interrogation team was among those attacked/injured in an earlier mortar attack believed to be perpetrated by the suspect-detainee. In the first incident, the detainee was being interrogated, and at one point [redacted] told the detainee to roll down his jumpsuit and insinuated that he would make the detainee totally disrobe if the detainee did not cooperate. The interrogator expressed their discomfort with the event and [redacted] ended the interrogation.
Interviewee recalled another incident in early October where a detainee was being interrogated, but [redacted] felt the detainee was uncooperative and suggested putting the detainee in solitary. Interviewee stated that he/she did not think solitary was effective, but fifteen minutes later an MP was called, the MP jammed a bag over the detainees head, grabbed his handcuffs and said "come with me piggy' and led the detainee to solitary confinement. Later, the interviewee recalled going to the detainee's cell and finding him naked with the hood over his head whimpering. The same MP came over and yelled at the detainee, 'you've been moving little piggy, you know you shouldn't move' and "yanked" the hoodie all the way down. The interviewee also recalled the MP stated 'I want to thank you guys, because up until a week or two ago, I was a good Christian.' Also stated,"[t]he 'stripping incident' or the isolation technique were never reported in any interrogator notes or interrogation plan."
Interviewee recalled hearing about an incident where detainee died of heart problems during an OGA investigation.
Interviewee also recalled the evening of a shooting in the facility that working dogs were present, but did not see them used during interrogations.
Also, recalled hearing that a detainee was walking out of an interrogation naked.
- Unknown date
- Interviewee (title and length of assignment unknown). Interviewee recalled witnessing two incidents. In the first incident, the detainee was being interrogated, and at one point [redacted] told the detainee to roll down his jumpsuit and insinuated that he would make the detainee totally disrobe if the detainee did not cooperate. The interrogator expressed their discomfort with the event and [redacted] ended the interrogation.
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Interviewee (title and length of assignment unknown). Interviewee recalled witnessing two incidents. Interviewee recalled a second incident in early October where a detainee was being interrogated, but [redacted] felt the detainee was uncooperative and suggested putting the detainee in solitary. Interviewee stated that he/she did not think solitary was effective, but fifteen minutes later an MP was called, the MP jammed a bag over the detainees head, grabbed his handcuffs and said "come with me piggy' and led the detainee to solitary confinement. Later, the interviewee recalled going to the detainee's cell and finding him naked with the hood over his head whimpering. The same MP came over and yelled at the detainee, 'you've been moving little piggy, you know you shouldn't move' and "yanked" the hoodie all the way down. The interviewee also recalled the MP stated 'I want to thank you guys, because up until a week or two ago, I was a good Christian.'