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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility

May 13, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 897
Interviewee was assigned to AG the first week of November 2003 as a Tiger Team Analyst. Interviewee recalled seeing a CACI civilian "grab a detainee off the Humvee and drop him to the ground. He then dragged the detainee into the interrogation booth. The entire time the detainee had his hands cuffed. As the detainee tried to get up on his knees [redacted] would yank him very hard and make him fall again... The CID agent was not concerned about my report." "If you saw something and reported it, it was your word against theirs. The discipline was a slap on the hand... There were stories before I even got there that some of the incident occurred in front of higher rank and nothing was said. The place was loosely run and interrogators had free reign for interrogations... I sat in on an interrogation with [redacted] where a detainee told him that a dog had bitten him on the leg... Some of the detainees in the isolation cell did not wear clothes because they were mentally unstable... I saw a pair of women's underwear in one of the detainees cell but he was wearing a jumpsuit."
  • Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
    • Interviewee was assigned to AG the first week of November 2003 as a Tiger Team Analyst. Interviewee recalled seeing a CACI civilian "grab a detainee off the Humvee and drop him to the ground. He then dragged the detainee into the interrogation booth. The entire time the detainee had his hands cuffed. As the detainee tried to get up on his knees [redacted] would yank him very hard and make him fall again... The CID agent was not concerned about my report." "If you saw something and reported it, it was your word against theirs. The discipline was a slap on the hand... There were stories before I even got there that some of the incident occurred in front of higher rank and nothing was said. The place was loosely run and interrogators had free reign for interrogations... I sat in on an interrogation with [redacted] where a detainee told him that a dog had bitten him on the leg... Some of the detainees in the isolation cell did not wear clothes because they were mentally unstable... I saw a pair of women's underwear in one of the detainees cell but he was wearing a jumpsuit"