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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility

June 6, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 879
Interviewee was assigned to AG from late May 2003 to early November 2003 as a Military Police Guard for the 72nd MP Company. Interviewee recalled an incident when another officer called him over to look at a naked detainee for the purpose of humiliation. The interviewee stated that he refused. Interviewee added, "[t]he detainee was outside his cell naked with his hands restrained behind his back by two individuals. It did not appear to be part of an interrogation. I believe it was an MP procedure because the detainee had been uncooperative. Interviewee noted, "I believe the OGA was giving the MP advice on how to humiliate the detainee by having me observe him naked." Interviewee also recalled a second incident that involved an unscheduled nighttime interrogation, the unauthorized interrogation involved three MI soldiers and two female detainees. Interviewee also noted that most problems in the facility involved detainee physical or sexual assaults. Also, stated that clothing removal and making detainees wear burlap bags over their heads was acceptable when isolation or pressure were unsuccessful; observed the most naked detainees in 1A.
  • Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
    • Interviewee was assigned to AG from late May 2003 to early November 2003 as a Military Police Guard for the 72nd MP Company. Interviewee recalled an incident when another officer called him over to look at a naked detainee for the purpose of humiliation. The interviewee stated that he refused. Interviewee added, "[t]he detainee was outside his cell naked with his hands restrained behind his back by two individuals. It did not appear to be part of an interrogation. I believe it was an MP procedure because the detainee had been uncooperative. Interviewee noted, "I believe the OGA was giving the MP advice on how to humiliate the detainee by having me observe him naked."