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Fay Report Annex: Statement of Civilian Contractor (CACI), Screener, Abu Ghraib Prison re: Detainee Processing and Handling at Abu Ghraib Prison
May 6, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 700
This statement of a CACI civilian contractor hired as a Screener was assigned to Abu Ghraib prison in min-November 2003. He remained there for two (2) months. He states he was not properly trained in the Interrogation Rules of Engagement (IROE) or any other detainee processing type training. He describes uncoordinated processing procedures born mainly out of lack of training and leadership, but states “I never saw or was aware of any photos or videos with detainees. I never heard of MI (Military Intelligence) tell MPs (Military Police) to "soften up”, or give the “the treatment” to detainees.” In reference to ghost detainees he stated “I knew of one who existed. But the word “Ghost Detainee” didn't really exist. We had intelligence reports from one particular detainee and the report showed we dui not have him at our facility, but he was there.” (This document is the same as ACLU-RDI 697)
There is 1 older version of this document
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Sworn statement of an analyst, who arrived at Abu Ghraib in mid-November. The analyst stated he/she did not witness detainee abuse, but did hear of it. The analyst recalled a detainee telling him about taking a shower with a female officer guarding. The detainee also told the Analyst about the following incident, the MPs woke the detainee up at 2:00, walked him to the end of the hall, and made him walk from the end of the hall towards them reciting his detainee number; if he failed to recite it, they would send him back and make him start over. The incident went on for an hour and a half.
- Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
- Sworn statement of an analyst, who arrived in AG in mid-November. The analyst recalled a detainee telling him that he had his beard shaved off.
- Fay Report: Investigation of 205th Military Intelligence Brigade's Activites in Abu Ghraib Detention Facility
- Fay Report Annex: Statement of Civilian Contractor (CACI), Screener, Abu Ghraib Prison re: Detainee Processing and Handling at Abu Ghraib Prison
- Fay Report Annex: Statement of Civilian Contractor (CACI), Screener, Abu Ghraib Prison re: Detainee Processing and Handling at Abu Ghraib Prison