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Emails between Army Officers re: Senator Milkuski's Request for Information on Pre-Mobilization Training for the 372nd Military Police

Aug. 3, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 474
Email is a response to Sen. Barbara Milkulski's request for information. It states that FORSCOM [United States Army Forces Command] attachment, called Detainee ops, has as its purpose "to provide information on the pre-mobilization training of the 372 Military Police Company". Executive Summary states that training has included "process offenders, select type of body search to perform, use unarmed self defense techniques, determine the level of force required, secure offender with hand irons, use of riot baton, and riot formations, but not Geneva Convention human rights standards. Includes detailed training agendas and blank forms for training assessment. Also includes a Use of Force and Weapons Security Agreement, on which each soldier needs to sign off, listing the policy of use of deadly force (as a last resort and only after verbal persuasion, unarmed defense techniques, chemical aerosol irritant projectors, MP club, military working dogs, and presentation of deadly force capability, respectively).