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Email between FBI Officials re: Guantanamo Gazette - Update on Happenings at Guantanamo Concerning Detainees

Aug. 28, 2002 | FBI | ACLU-RDI 3172
The author is giving a bullet point up-date on the interviewing of detainees at Guantanamo. The up-dates includes: i) continuing assistance to the FBI/CITF; ii) There is a release package for about 20 detainees now up at Belvoir for authority to release. That will be a big boost here for the cooperation of others; iii) met with the Joints Chief of Staff Review Board re: who we are, what we do and our recommendations. (Their request) They were very impressed with this kind of resource offered by the FBI and expressed how needed and appropriate it is (their words, not ours) iv) potential hunger strike by a detainee at Camp Delta (not yet in progress); v) DIA Behavioral Ops plan; vi) providing on-going training to the new folks coming in on the interview teams; and vii) met with the medical staff re the detainees and interview process. They gave us an Insight into the outpatient clinic and the fleet hospital. They were very agreeable to working directly with the interviewers and the MP's on getting treatment to the detainees. We had a situation with a detainee that told the interviewers that he would talk and tell them whatever they needed if ONLY they would help him get some relief from his constipation.